Pipedrive - EventCreate invitations with OneClick

Connect better with customers and clients in person. Let Pipedrive users send an Invitation to your company’s events to specific deals, persons, organizations or leads, directly from Pipedrive.

Learn how

Plan Conferences, Product Launches, Open Houses, Trade shows and more.  Invite existing and new Pipedrive contacts and get attendance confirmations as New deals straight into a dedicated Event Pipeline.

OneClick can trigger your integration with eventcreate.com, eventillia.com, rsvpify.com,  or any other event management app. 

Send an automatic notification to your customer and insert a Scheduler link to book an appointment on site. 

  1. Install OneClick in Pipedrive. It’s easy and free.
  2. Once done, the app will appear in Pipedrive’s left sidebar for deals, orgs, and persons.
  3. Build a zapier.com Zap or a make.com Scenario to create the invoice at OneClick

How to build a zap