Pipedrive - Deal Summary Google Sheet with OneClick

Learn how to generate a Deal Summary Spreadsheet with OneClick from the deal view.  Capture all the information about a specific deal in one single document, or choose particular fields to build customised deal information tables.

Here's how:

In Pipedrive, you can view all the information related to a deal in the Deal view or the List view.

But, let’s face it, sometimes you would like to see everything in a single spreadsheet or table, without looking around or clicking different objects to reveal what you are looking for in Pipedrive.

You also don’t want to manually filter and export deals to update your company’s Google Drive with customer files when you could do all this with just OneClick! There are better ways of doing this:

  1. Install OneClick in Pipedrive. It’s easy and free.
  2. Once done, the app will appear in Pipedrive’s left sidebar for deals, orgs, and persons.
  3. Build a zapier.com Zap or a make.com Scenario to create the invoice at OneClick
We’ll use Make in this example:

How to build a zap?