
Pipedrive - Typeform Survey with OneClick

Discover the process of sending Typeform Surveys to your clients with OneClick from Pipedrive. Get the results directly on the deal. 

Ask away.

Customer satisfaction surveys are effective when the questions are relevant and sent at an appropriate time. However, automatically sending surveys when a deal is won or a specific Pipedrive stage is reached may not be optimal.

Fortunately, Pipedrive users can now use OneClick to send feedback requests when they know it’s the right time. A request will be automatically sent at OneClick. Once completed, the customer’s responses will be delivered to the deal and the owner notified.

  1. Install OneClick in Pipedrive. It’s easy and free.
  2. Once done, the app will appear in Pipedrive’s left sidebar for deals, orgs, and persons.
  3. Build a zapier.com Zap or a make.com Scenario to create the invoice at OneClick

How to build a zap?

  • Check OneClick’s zapier.com step-by-step tutorial for full details.
  • Create a new Zap with a Webhook trigger.  
  • Select Webhook as the trigger app, and Catch hook as the event type
  • Click Continue in the Set up trigger section
  • Copy your Webhook URL in the Test trigger section

Go back to Pipedrive  and Create a new OneClick Connection:

  • Open any Pipedrive deal
  • Click on Settings in the Zimple OneClick application panel on the left
  • Click on Create new in the Connections tab
  • Paste your Zap URL in the Domain URL field
  • Enter “Send Typeform Survey” in the Button text field
  • Optionally enter a description in the Description field.
  • You can also Limit the Visibility of your new button -to specific pipelines, stages, or predefined users.
  • Click Save changes and exit

Remember to trigger your newly created connection so that Zapier receives some test data!

Go back to your Zap and Click on Test trigger

  • If everything is ok you should see test request data
  • Click on Continue